Monday, April 30, 2012

Farewell Tips

Farewells are one of the most important days in the life of a college going student. Students are very sentimental, spend a lot of time saying good byes and click lot of picture to capture the memories. But no one tells you what to do or what not to do. So here is a list of instructions you must keep in mind to make sure that the day goes very successful.

1.      Make sure to have a cameraman (friend) nearby. You may never know when you will get your chance.

2.      Plan a photo-date with hot girls to increase amount of respect among your friends.

3.       Carry shades otherwise chances of momentarily blindness increases due to very high intensity of flash of the cameras.

4.      Do have a full stomach otherwise you may not manage to give appropriate facial expressions during the photo sessions.

5.      Practice a particular expression, cuz that will be there pasted on your face for many many hours.

6.      Awkward Moment (Guys): The deciding moment, where to put your hands, around the waist or the shoulder when the guy next to you is very tall.

7.      Farewell is the worst day to ignore people you don’t like.

8.      Learn how to be a revolving snake, moving from place to place, position to position to get the best camera angle and the best pose among the crowd of people.

9.      Food stall is by far the worst place to ask anyone to pose.

10.  That jaw literal breaking moment: When there are more than 3 cameras in your friend circle.

11.  Try to avoid your heavy “OUT” friends who try to come in between every picture with those *heavy eyes* and ruin your moments.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What I learned after watching Pan Singh Tomar and Kahaani

1.       You need one good actor with good acting skills, who looks the part, to carry the film on their shoulders and beyond the “Hit” mark #Chatur Singh 2 star, Rascals, toon k superhero,  aladin etc etc
2.       Yes.. Yes! Bollywood can have a good and hit women centric film.
3.       We need movies with good topics to leave the audience entranced and think about the current situation. #Plight of Indian Athletes
4.       Indian film industry still has a dearth of good script writers who can write a good plot # Dhoondte reh jaoge, what a movie, what a script OMG!
5.       No need of toilet humour to entertain audience, pure hindi one liners are good enough #Golmaal 3, Chandani Chowki to China, Tees Maar Khan, Rascals…move on.
6.       NSD needs to give acting lessons to the Khans otherwise they will never improve and come out with chart literal busters like Agent Vinod,, Don 2, bodyguard, veer…countless!
7.       Bengali rap is cool #aami sachi bolchi !m! !m!
8.       Indian film can be a good suspense thriller #Ragini MMS, Tasveer 8*10, ufffff
9.       Every hit film doesn’t require an item song #shiela, jalebi bai, shallu k thumke, hotty naughty endless!
10.   No matter what Mamta Banarjee does or the Lefts have done, Calcutta/Kolkatta is a beautiful city with trams and metro.
11.   In no matter what role, Mahie Gill will always be HOT!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Orange up on a tree

Once there was an orange on a tree
Waiting to be plucked by someone free
Orange was fat and juicy and strong
If it was alive, it would be the orange king

All came, saw and visualized
What would it feel to eat it raw
Or cook it up in a dish
The taste, the smell and the view made them salivate

But it was high up on the tree
Climbing up and plucking was a daunting task
Which was a major deterrent for all
Dreaming was easy but plucking it was painful

Then came one person
I don’t know what was his origin
He might be black, he might be white
To clarify the colour of the skin is not the point

He declared to all that orange was his
He will pluck and eat it raw
He would think of some strategy to climb up
And get it for himself

Locating the goal is the first step
To reach the goal is the ultimate path
Think of a path, think of a strategy
Think of something to get it right

He sat and waited and thought
Normal means was out of the question
No ladder, no rope, nothing will help
What would he do to reach his claim?

He thought of this, he thought of that
Till he could think of no more
He was all alone and tired of his wits
He was smart but he was in little bits

One day, came a smart person
Again his skin colour is not the point
He advised, why don’t we use a pulley
To climb up this slippery trunk

“Pulley, yes pulley is a good option”
Said the original crusader
“In the end we will both divide the share”
So where it was one, now it became two!

They went to a carpenter
To learn how to make a pulley
“He asked them why do want one?”
“Oh we will climb up the tree and get one each for our self.”

“In that case I will join you and we three will get the claim.”
“Oh yes!” agreed both the crusader and the smart one.
So the tree went on to make a pulley.
So the crusader, the smart and the carpenter went to get their holy grail.

Day and night, they worked for two days
Tied a rope to a rock and threw it successfully round the branch
The crusader went up, pulled by the carpenter, the smart and the bouncer
They all hoisted the proud crusader

The crusader reached the top
What he saw amazed him
The orange had a kingdom of its own
Each and every fat like it

All had a good proper meal
Some had raw, some had it with fish
In the end
It was feast for everyone