Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Subconscious' Guilt Ride

I dreamt once
Dreamt a catastrophe
the subconscious
taken over by good and evil

Round and round, on and on
my head went on
I felt so humid and hot
yet cold weather was out

I was being prepared
prepared to be slaughtered
my body shivered
yes it was all in head

“You there” said the eye
While there was I
Don’t say anything

Ride on the rollercoaster
was such a nightmare
the heart pounded
loud noises were made

Oh bloody cheap
a scum on the earth
you are a disgrace
the time will come to be judged

Now, there were two eyes
but still, was I
nothing is everything
everything is nothing

Love is not for you
disappear from sight
hate fills up vacuum
disarray will be everywhere

On the bench, I sat
the spine curved with hair stand
more is to come
the path is not done

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Haiku Poem - Three Haiku by Basho

Ancient pond
Frog leaps

Water jar cracks -
I lie awake
This icy night.

Lightening -
Heron's cry
Stabs the darkness

Sick on a journey -
Over parched fields
Dreams wander on.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Haiku Ambulance by Richard Brautigan

A piece of green pepper
off the wooden salad bowl:
so what?