My rating: 10/10
Genre : Drama
One of the best things i did during my hols was to watch 12 angry men. A quick of the credentials proved it to me that i am downloading one of the best movies of all times. The only thing which bothered was that its a 1957 film plus a black and white one. Living through the current times, sometimes even the best of black n whites disappoints me and i really really was hoping that this doesn`t turn to be the in the above mentioned category. But, now watching it, all i can say is that i was wrong on the hoping part. This film not only impressed me but also me realize that if i ever make a top 10 film must to watch, its definitely going to be included in that list.
The film is a snapshot of the american judicial system.It all starts with a group of jury who have a witnessed a clear close shut trial, now have to decide the outcome of it and whether the culprit, a 18 year old teen has to go to jail for murdering his father or not. All the juror are locked in a hot room where an initial count reveals that only juror 8 has a reasonable doubt. He question is that all the evidence prsented are circumstantial and wants to discuss with the rest of the group. This changes the whole scenario, thus tempers are raised, firm opinions are given, cigarettes butts fly, temperature rises and one by one the slow pace film gains a quick pace and enthralls us till the end. Henry Fonda, incidentally also the producer gives a memorable performance. Actually not he, but the whole crew gives just the perfect performance which makes you realise that how pathetic these bollywood actors really are.
Don`t miss for anything because watching these movies is once in a lifetime opportunity.
PS : If you like this one, then you really go for Witness for the prosecution, another courtroom drama.
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